"Cuando se puede elegir, es obligado acertar."
"When you can choose, you must be right."


    • Formamos parte de la Red de Centros Bilingües de la Comunidad de Madrid.
    • Dentro de la excelencia que nos caracteriza, desarrollamos un proyecto bilingüe de diseño propio que incorpora el programa de Centros Bilingües Cooperativos (CBC). Este programa permite, a través de unos exigentes indicadores, acreditar y reconocer su calidad y nivel de excelencia mediante una rigurosa evaluación externa.


  • Somos centro examinador de Cambridge. Cada año se incorporan a nuestra plantilla un equipo de auxiliares de conversación nativos, principalmente de Estados Unidos, que además de preparar a los alumnos para las pruebas de Cambridge, les proporcionan una inmersión lingüística y cultural.
  • Impartimos Francés como segundo idioma a partir de 3º de Primaria.
  • Ofrecemos Chino Mandarín como tercer idioma desde Educación Primaria.
  • Participamos en el proyecto europeo eTwinning, en el que compartimos actividades con otros colegios europeos.
  • Organizamos actividades bilingües (gymkhanas, campamentos, multiaventura…)
  • Viajes e intercambios en el extranjero.

Blog idiomas

Presidents day

President’s Day

Celebrating President's Day in Colegio Alkor President's Day is a national holiday in the United States and is celebrated on the third Monday in February, this year on February 20. Originally this holiday was to honor the first president of the United States, George Washington. He was beloved from his memory serving in the Revolutionary…...
Martin Luther King Jr. cabecera

How can we do better from Martin Luther King Jr. Day?

This date was chosen because his birthday falls on January 15 and his wife, Coretta Scott King, wanted his holiday to fall closest to his birthday. But who is Martin Luther King Jr? I am sure most of you have heard of his name.    But do you know his legacy and his impact made…...

We are Thankful at Alkor

  Always on the Fourth Thursday in November, thanksgiving is a time to stop and think about what we are lucky to have in our lives. Thanksgiving is a holiday originating in the United States and Canada that now is celebrated in other parts of the world. Its history dates back to the Mayflower arriving…...
This is halloween

This is Halloween! This is Halloween!

As we move through October and the autumn season, we start to feel a chill in the air as the leaves change colors, falling one by one from the trees. The sun is rising later and setting earlier, as we get used to less sunlight and more darkness at nighttime. Although I am sad that…...

Aprendemos con nativos

Somos plurilingües

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